Beetroot soup

(Lithuanian Borsht)

2 l beef stock,
1 large, or 4-5 small beetroots,
4-5 potatoes,
2-3 carrots,
1 onion,
1 tbsp of tomato paste,
2 bay leaf,
3 cloves,
4 Jamaica pepparcorns,
5 whole black peppercorns,
1 tsp. lemon juice, vinegar or vinegar essence,
frying oil,
sourcream for garnishing.
 Beetroot soup

Peel the beetroots and grate them coarsely. Cut the potatoes in small cubes. Slice the onion thinly and grate the carrots coarsely. Fry the onion and the carrots with the tomato paste.
Bring the beef stock to a boil and add the beetroot first, then the potatoes. When the potatoes are about done, add the spices and the fried mix. The spices shopuld not be allowed to boil for more than 5 minutes. After the boiling is finished, add the lemon juice.
Garnish every plate with a teaspoon of sourcream.

Tip: To give the soup better consistency and taste, remove it from the heat, but do not lift the lid or move it for half an hour.

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